Thursday, July 26, 2012

World Championship 2012 is Coming Up

So with ygo world champion 2012 coming up with team north american training and test playing like no other. I have one question to ask: where does that leave the rest of us yu-gi-oh players?

   Well we can either sit with are butts in the air, make crappy ban list videos on youtube, or do what dubkdad1 and many others are doing: playing past format decks. Myself I have begun to play with a super fun deck I dub it skill zombie drain. Pretty much the deck u play zombie world to make all monster in grave zombie skill drain beast king barbaros and malafic stardust dragon and despair from the dark are all fun cards and u can xyz summon for you guess it neo galaxy eyes photon dragon. And with zombie world in deck if u manage to summon the big xyz dragon and it get dark hole and u have mezuki in grave, just play zombie world and u just made some fellow duelist jaw drop.

    So all in all its time for fun duels and decks. I post my decklist here soon enough and I will cover this deck in this blog. Later for now.                       -antman816

Monday, July 16, 2012

Traders BEWARE!

Hey folks antman816 back for a quick blog. This is about the up coming release of and

  the all might sun Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis. Now the reason this blog is title traders beware is that both cards are being reprinted in there original printing (SECRET!!!!!!). Now with this some player want original cards not the reprints as in case some people may have sold there secret Tour Guide From the Underworld so they could get not only cheap black rares but have cash to spare. So if your that guy then your find but the other then make sure when trying to buy original they have there original text and instead not limited edition. if you are going to spend x amount to get this cards original at time of this post they are evolzar dolkka around $50-$30 and the sun dragon is around $20. With the tins and the upcoming banlist these cards have the ability to raise or fall in price and i hate seeing and being the person who gets ripped off.

            I hope you enjoy the article this is antman816, later.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Yugioh 2012 Wave 1 Tins: My thoughts

So with the the list being spread thru the interwebs like wildfire here its is

Tin 1 Spoiler:
Heroic Champion Excalibur
Blizzard Princess
Wind-Up Rabbit
Wind-up Zenmaines
Evolzar Laggia (last card that needed revealing)

Tin 2 Spoiler:

Evolzar Dolkka
Genex Neutron (needed revealing)
Scrap Dragon (needed revealing)
Dark Highlander
Wind-Up Zenmaines

Now have you seen what they have done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at first these tins was ok im only gonna buy 3 of one cuz thats all i need well now konami gonna do so ha! you think we make it to were you only buy 3 tins??? Guess Again.

  Ok so myself, I was only going to try to get three of the Heroic Tin for my playset of rabbit and zenmaines, but now i have no choice. These tins are GREAT! No way around it. They provide all players with great benefits. There really isnt a useless card in these tins like before some would say.

  So we will break down each tin and simple but fact proving form. we will start with the second tin first:
 Evolzar Dolkka: Boss hoss of getting rid of effects of monster and needed for dino rabbit/evols
Genex Neutron: making karakuri, yusei fudo, and tuner decks cheaper and easier to run.
Scrap Dragon: this need a reprint because it without a doubt one of the most powerful synchros ever.
Dark Highlander: He needed in Europe to fight against junk doppel decks via used in dark worlds
Wind-Up Zenmaines: Of course the money card of buying the tins.

Now on to tin one.
 Heroic Champion Excalibur: another rank four for warriors and it will be fun in heroic decks.
 Blizzard Princess:would be the card that wouldn't be used except this card i can see in all spellcaster decks from the gagaga's to the powerful gravekeepers at 2800 atk and can be summon by tributing one spellcaster and when its summoned oppoent cant activate spells or traps cards that turn, why haven't this card been a tech in the previously mention decks.
Wind-Up Rabbit: rabbit is good, and as a secret expensive to get three of so collectors and budget players this is good for.
Wind-up Zenmaines:as status above.
Evolzar Laggia: this card needs no description. But its the reason if you don't want this tin your gonna buy at least 2 of anyways.

    To conclude even if you are a boss hoss-big baller-shot caller,  you may as well trade/sell off all these cards if you have copies and spend 120 on three tins each. I can officially say these tins are worth it. Side note Why these tins come out and people are selling secret dolkkas check the pack number only phsw is the ones people will play a lil more for don't get hookwinked folks.


Rise From The Ashes

So Im antman816 and I am coming back to blog i had a different blog but now i have this one.

This blog will have stories of real life or fan fiction of yugioh. Also decks, deck ideas and product that will come out and my thoughts reguarding the product. so stay tuned folks.
